1/4 Mile Calculations

Figure your ¼ mile time.

This chart shows how much horsepower is needed at the flywheel to run an Elapsed Time in the ¼ mile. This chart is under optimal conditions. The entire car must be set up perfectly to run these times. Very few cars run 100% of their optimum. Wheelspin, slow shifting, clutch slippage, and other factors reduce the amount of usable horsepower.

Estimated Time Weight of Your Car In Pounds
2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000
15.0 seconds 167 180 193 205 218 232 246 257
14.5 seconds 186 200 213 228 242 256 270 282
14.0 seconds 206 222 237 253 270 285 301 317
13.5 seconds 230 248 265 283 300 318 335 353
13.0 seconds 257 277 297 317 337 357 377 397
12.5 seconds 289 311 334 356 378 400 423 445
12.0 seconds 327 352 377 402 428 453 479 504
11.5 seconds 372 400 429 458 486 515 543 572
11.0 seconds 425 458 490 523 556 589 620 653
10.5 seconds 488 425 563 600 638 677 714 751
10.0 seconds 565 608 652 695 739 783 826 870